quarta-feira, 11 de junho de 2014

Three Phase inverter (for ACIM motors) with Dspic30F4011 "Part 0"

In this thread, i´ll show how make your own ACIM Inverter.

Of course this is no easy to handed, it have short information about this inside the internet.

 Maybe the first difficult was about the sine PWM generation regarding each architeture

The project of us (yes you will developing with me) is based on Microchip DSC component: DsPic30F4011.

Accordingly the datasheet from Microchip, this uC have a Motor control unit (MCPWM) with the following features:

• 6 PWM output channels

- Complementary or Independent Output modes

- Edge and Center Aligned modes

• 3 duty cycle generators

• Dedicated time base

• Programmable output polarity

• Dead-time control for Complementary mode

• Manual output control

• Trigger for A/D conversions

The compiler of my choice is MikroC Pro for DSPIC and PIC24.
This compiler is very very interesting...writing the code in "C" language (sometimes mixing assembly code in some functions for fast execution).

 Well, the interface between uC and the IGBT power module will made by the Iternational Rectifier IR2136 Mosfet/IGBT driver.